Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Obama Wants People Who Speak of Government Tyranny Silenced

 Barack Obama actually said that young people should "Oppose all who speak of government tyranny." Now, not to put too fine a point on this, but that would mean that we should oppose everything the men who founded this nation said. That would mean we would need to cease being Americans- Willingly, and without question. Imagine Bush saying something like this: Everyone but Fox News would be screaming "Fascist" and "Nazi," and for those who disagree- Everyone but Fox News WAS screaming those terms about him with a whole lot less credibility during his Presidency. Bush did not revoke basic rights like Habeas Corpus for Americans like Obama; Bush did not purchase billions of rounds of ammunition for FEMA (FEMA!) and other non-military, non-police bureaucracies.

This is what happens when people who think "democracy" is the best form of government- Politicians pander to the public, and implement policies that benefit only their well moneyed benefactors.

 The reason politicians get away with this is people have forgot that democracy is an easy thing to corrupt. I know many people think democracy is "the way things should be," but think about this- The quality of the decision made by "majority rules" is dependant on the accuracy of the information the majority possess, and the recognition by the masses that every American has a (now theoretical, sadly) right to do whatever they desire so long as it is not a real burden on others. 

 Now reflect on this- 4 corporations control everything you hear, see, or read in mainstream media. All governments lie to their people about how things really are in their respective countries in the name of self preservation (they have dubbed it "the common good," but really it's to prevent mass outrage directed at themselves). Just because a majority of people have been convinced to believe a thing, does not make that thing true or "good," let alone a wise or benevolent course of action. Perhaps a brief tour of history s in order: 

 Popular notions held by the vast majority of people at one time or another:
People of different races were "inferior" (still held in some parts of the world)
Jews caused the (insert whatever bad thing happened here). This belief is still held in many parts of the world, and is one that has prompted the most vile acts of Western Civilization's history.
*USA* Blacks are the color they are as a mark of damnation, and can only attain Salvation through slavery. This was widely popular, particularly in the US South.

 I can go on- Especially with the ones based in misogyny, bigotry, and homophobia- But the point is clear. 

Some Gun Fact Observations

Anyone who thinks the second amendment is to cover hunting rights needs to take a civics and/ or US History class. The US Supreme court has ruled already on this (twice if memory serves, once in the 19th and once in the late mid 20th centuries) stating w/o ambiguity that the 2nd amendment is in place so that every legal adult citizen has his own arms to defend the Constitution from any threat it faces, not murder Bambi. Anyone who thinks the term "assault weapon" is valid beyond it's use as a propaganda tool knows almost nothing about firearms. Anyone who thinks "gun control" will eliminate gun crime, or that gun crime is even the most common type of crime in the nation, needs to a) see how well the drug control laws are doing and b) notice that of all crimes committed with guns, very few of them (along the lines of 1/4, actually it's only 16% of the recovered guns used in crimes are not stolen, so I am rounding up to the nearest quarter percent  for the sake of the anti gun people to not feel as stupid as they ought) were committed by people who legally obtained and possessed their weapons.
In other words, of the 260,000,000 guns legally owned in the us, 8,000 crimes (not just murders, but all crimes, including those resulting in nothing more than bent feelings, and derived from 32k total crimes multiplied by 1/4) were committed with guns legally obtained and possessed. The number of murders, then, committed by persons who legally obtained/ possessed their "assault weapons" then would stand at approx. 110 (1/4 of 438). That means you are more likely to die from a vaccination than you are from a legally obtained/ possessed "assault weapon," you are almost 200x more likely to die from government subsidized tobacco, and you are almost 200x more likely to die as a result of your health care.

Facts- Things people keen on destroying the US Constitution tend to ignore on favor of their agenda.

http://www.gunpolicy.org/firearms/region/united-states (cited report, follow the links on that page to the cited material)

Monday, February 11, 2013

A little food for thought

 13 of the top 15 welfare states are Democratically controlled. That accounts for 122+ ( I quit counting after what this means became clear) electoral votes. Barack Obama was elected by the votes from places where welfare is common. His most impressive victories came from the states where not only is welfare common, it pays better than a full time $8/ hr job.

 So how is it legal for a President to enact policy that buys votes? If this were a Republican President giving huge tax breaks to working Americans (while scaling back welfare benefits) in an election year, the Democrats would be screaming voter manipulation. I was alive when something like that happened, so save any moral outrage you would feign in response to that comment.

 It has become increasingly apparent, throughout the last several news days, that the governing bodies of this nation are completely corrupt. This economic situation we're in has destroyed the lower rung of the middle class, and our President has obliterated the lynch pin upon which all of our Constitutional rights are hinged upon. This is the stuff of Orwellian nightmares- and yet people still support this crook!

 When you look at the situation in Chicago, where people are being arrested for making "false terrorist claims," in which they are arrested and held based on hearsay, the outlandish amounts of police brutality being left unreported by the news- who did manage to report that the economy is getting better, which is a flat out lie. If you have even a shred of critical reasoning, you know that this is no longer "conspiracy theory" nut jobbery, but rather is a by-God historical event. So who is the nut here? People like me, who have said nothing outside of the truth, or people like the common American, who will tell you that it is okay our government has the authority to assassinate citizens at will?

Remember, this is the same government that classifies pepperoni pizza and dollops of ketchup as "vegetables."

So, as the title says, we are on our own. Our government does not care about the lower 80% of income earners in this nation- save for those they have designated eligible for lifetime welfare collecting- and are not going to do much in the way of protecting us from economic hard times. This was proven when the response to the stupidity that created this crisis was to reward it's architects with 10,000,000,000,000 dollars, positions of top tier authority in our department of treasury and within the Federal Reserve, plus immunity from prosecution even though much of the activities producing the crisis were illegal.

 You tell me what that looks like to you. Is it mere conspiracy theory nut jobbery, or can one reasonably draw the conclusion that the Federal Government has been nearly completely corrupted? Leave your reactions in the comment section below, and help support this blog!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The little things

SO, everyone heard Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are having a baby? If you haven't, a) I envy you- I truly do, because it's probably due to b) you haven't had to stand in a long grocery line lately. Now, typically this would be a subject for my other blog- the one that is fun. This, however, must be said here, as I am about to rant most profanely.

How goddamn sad is it that your average American is intimately aware of the details in the private lives of self centered ass hats and gold digging whores, but cannot tell you what their President or his Congress's voting record/ performance history on issues are? Aside from the political angle, how utterly pathetic is it that Americans are giving these two a pass on their long history of abhorrent behavior simply because the Average Americans' naughty bits tingle when they see them?  "Oh, I see you fucked over every person you've ever met, but since you make my genitals twinge, I am not going to hold you accountable." If you're someone who thinks that way, just don't speak to me.

Sometimes I wonder if it's really true that the overwhelming majority of Americans- rich or poor, black or white, blue or red- are nothing more than barely sentient talking monkeys, eagerly awaiting instructions from the glowy/ talky box in their living room on how to think, act, and what to believe.Kids aren't being taught about Nazis or the Holocaust in school anymore- unless their English teacher has a section on dystopian society. it gets a passing mention. I know of actual high school students who believe that Nazis are "just the bad guys from old Indiana Jones movies. They're not real." But they can tell you all about what Lady Gaga wore at the latest awards show. Good job, parents!

Speaking of neglectful parents, hey idiots- You, not your kids teacher, are responsible for making your kid study at home. You, not mall security, are responsible for supervising your child while shopping- and keeping them safe from harm. You, not me, are responsible for your "reproductive medicine," because frankly if you can't afford kids, don't fuck. Oh, you're a single mom and don't you deserve to have some fun? No, you don't- you lost that privilege when you decided to have children via unprotected, non-marital sex. Oh, you have child support payments that keep you from being able to buy a sea doo? Maybe next time you'll wear a condom, jack hole. You should be grateful it's a child support payment and not an AZT prescription.

Having re- read most of this, I am thinking maybe I should just stop going grocery shopping with the Mrs. Especially around the time these people get their welfare checks. They have iPhone 4's, their kids have iPod shuffles, and they're using food stamps. What in the righteous fuck?

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

My hope is that things change

Well, I have now had enough. Not just of this President in office right now, but of the complete and utter disgrace that is our culture.The ends justify the means, and the means really need no justification. If one needs evidence of the prevalence of these attitudes, simply go outside, talk to folks about their political views, and try not to lose your faith in humanity.

How is it that I can say this? In the news, everyday, is some new atrocity that our government has authorized, or that some corporation has visited upon some economically disadvantaged people, or some combination thereof. Come election time, or come shopping time, the politicians who authorized atrocity are re-elected, the corporations who hired mercenaries to clear out a village of people are still having their products bought by consumers. Methinks it's not our freedoms the terrorists hate Americans for.

So these are real world problems- problems that the conservatives and the liberals of this nation ignore, dismiss, and call "conspiracy theory" so that they can remain willfully ignorant of how the world outside of their life of privilege actually works. Next time you go shopping, ask yourself how is it that mega corp products are so much less expensive if they have similar baseline expenses as the local businesses that make similar products? The answer, of course, is it costs more in government fees to the small business person than it does for the corporation?

I have some rough ideas on how to being addressing them- specifics that you won't hear from a politician- and would love for comments on yours! So, here we go:

 If the fees were scaled to be relative to production, local economies would be protected, and the level of unemployment in most places would be almost non-existent. Pretty simple economic rule- barriers to entry removal means more entries into the market: (Translate into common speech: If the government removes the fees and licensing costs that are so high they are prohibitive to promote the growth of small scale business, more small scale businesses are started, more competition is present, and the consumer ends up getting the better of the deal. Regulations such as licensing/ fees protect only large business, and are put in place by big business owned politicians to prevent competition).

There is one point in which we could rekindle the American dream, but what about social services? If we cut these huge revenue earners for our government, how are we gonna pay for welfare? Easy- we legalize marijuana, back date it to the 1970's, and release every single prisoner in the system who are serving sentences for possession/ distribution of Marijuana. One study said almost 40 % of the prison populace was Marijuana only. I doubt that, but I would bet that 20% is a fair guess. How much money do we spend on their care? How much money do we spend enforcing a prohibition that has roundly failed, and is based in zero scientific validity?  Why does anyone have objection to it, given that a far worse drug is legal and sold in nearly every store you walk into?

Now, for hope. If we cut expenses, we cut burden on taxpayers. If we lessen the tax burden on Americans and businesses that manufacture their products only in America, and we raise taxes on those who benefit from the work of others (read: the uber wealthy who have grown fat outsourcing American jobs) we start to rekindle hope for every American. Every American can understand that the price for extreme wealth is exorbitant tax burden, but what is 12 million in taxes if you're pulling in 14-16 million a year after? Now for that to become a reality, we need to destroy the consumer driven, greed-centric materialistic mass culture we have developed here in America- Which, I fear, is a hopeless endeavor.

What are your thoughts? Leave a reply, visit my sponsors, and have a wonderful winter day!

Monday, November 26, 2012

"I'm Christmas shopping"

 The title is President Obama's response to a reporter's question about the progress on avoiding the fiscal cliff. Yes, folks, this is the change you voted for. For frack's sake, you're in charge of the largest economy in the world, 240 million voter's future well being depends on this fiscal cliff issue being resolved, but you're taking time off to go shopping?!? People like Barack Obama are the reason why our economy is in the crapper, because people like Barack Obama are in charge of the large corporations. The Hostess executives give themselves 3-5 million dollars in raises, then slash employee benefits by 2 million- never mind that the company has been floundering for 3 years, and no one deserved a raise in the first place, especially the leadership. When the worker's strike, those executives claim the worker's union has caused them to declare bankruptcy. The 2008 collapse began, and all of our local political leaders have since consistently voted themselves raises- and raised taxes on working class people to fund this!

 That is the type of leadership we see, not just in Barack Obama, Royce Pollard, or whichever crook you have in your neck of the woods, but everywhere in today's America. people don't seem to care too much what the truth is, so long as someone who is charismatic and loud presents some skewed "facts." What I find even more sad is that most Americans do not know the difference between what is "fact" and what is "truth," an because of this they are willingly led to bad conclusions based on false premises.

 Facts change- truth does not. For instance, it was once fact that the Earth was flat, the sun rotated around the Earth, and that the color of one's skin determined whether or not they held any worth as a human being. None of these things are true, and never have been. Truth is an absolute- it is not conditional. Facts are not absolute- they are conditional upon empirical support, subject to change as evidence emerges that disputes the claims said facts make. Evolution Theory is fact, on which undoubtedly contains the smallest amount of truth. I guarantee you in 200 years time, our current understanding of the aforementioned Theory will be laughed at as being primitive, just as we laugh at the attitudes of our ancestor's about the existence of germs, or of the concept of spontaneous generation.

So, the point of this post, other than to open your eyes to the difference between truth and fact, is that we need to start preparing for the worst possible outcome. We have a lazy, irresponsible, and corrupt government whose main priority is to serve the whims of 1000 billionaires, not 240 million working class Americans. They utilize fear mongering and polarizing propaganda to keep the populace subdued and/ or divided. They are brazenly anti- morality, as social morality is the only factor that could ever threaten unmitigated greed. They accomplish this by utilizing fuzzy logic (Moral Relativism) whose premise "There are no Absolutes" invalidates itself by being that which it claims is non-existent. Wake up, quit being a sheep, as one day the powers that be will no longer be satisfied merely fleecing you- they're gonna start craving mutton and lamb chops.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Green Power

 Look, I have been reading the push back on green tech for some time, and I'll tell ya, you pro- oil/ anti- green folks sound pretty obtuse. Oil is a very finite resource. You bitch and complain about 4 bucks a gallon, but when someone says they'll fund developing technology that almost guarantees a return to cheap gas prices, you scream communism.
 I don't like Obama, I think everyone who reads this knows it. That being said, his energy policies are the start of what is necessary for us- we absolutely, positively need to migrate from industrial age/ archaic energy resources (such as oil and coal) to fully embrace nuclear, hydro electric, solar, and wind turbine energy production. We have the technology now to render much of the nuclear waste harmless, and if given proper attention, I am sure we could find a way to render it completely inert- if not find a way to recycle it.
 If you want to get down to brass tacks, if you want to complain about gas prices, but don't want to do anything about making gasoline cheaper, then feel free to shut your hole. That's like a fat person wailing about their weight while swimming in milkshakes- it is asinine to the point of lunacy, with a generous serving of self delusion thrown in.
 There was a recent Stanford study claiming people are getting less intelligent. Sometimes I wonder if this is not news. People against solar/ wind have the least sense in their arguments- it's not always sunny, or it's not always windy. Okay, couple of things- one: battery storage for these types of power generators is pretty common, because sometimes they produce more electricity than the grid needs. Two: We have a HUGE desert between the Pacific and the Rockies. You may not know this, but a good portion of that area is uninhabited. The areas that are could certainly use the industry. Oh, it is almost always sunny, and very windy, in these areas. Last point: Each and every one of us has the ability to not only be energy self sufficient in our homes- read: no need for electric companies- due to Solar, Wind, and Human Powered generators. If you knew how easy electricity is to generate, you already knew this.
 Stop being ignorant, and get yourself to be more pliant to changing your energy ways. It isn't because if you don't, the world will end in a global warming disaster, or because if you don't the world will be enslaved by big oil companies. It's because if you don't, the US will cease to be the hyper power it is, and will end up as yet another Roman Empire legacy power- like Great Britain, France, Spain, and the rest- to rise to super power and fall into subservience due to it's inflexibility.

 In short, being anti green energy is being anti American. Green energy is the first vital step in not only being completely self sufficient, but also in breaking the stranglehold Corporate America has on our political structure. If you can't see this, you're either naive or ignorant. Just saying.